Chili Bullet Weapons


Adds chili peppers, foods, and weapons.

View the Project on GitHub Iunius118/ChiliBulletWeapons


The configuration is saved in file config/chilibulletweapons.toml.


The common section contains configuration values referenced by both the server and the client. In multiplayer mode, server-side values are used.


A Boolean value of canShotgunMultiHit represents whether a single target can be damaged multiple times at once by bullets shot from a shotgun. If set to false, a single target will take damage from only one bullet at the same time.

canShotgunMultiHit = true

A real number between 0.0 and 8.0 of chiliArrowDamageMultiplier represents the multiplier of the explosive power of bullet chili arrows.

chiliArrowDamageMultiplier = 1.0

A non-negative real number of chiliBulletBaseDamage represents the base damage amount of a chili bullet shot from a gun. If set to 0.0, chili bullets will do no damage.

chiliBulletBaseDamage = 0.85

Formula for chili bullet damage (only when chiliBulletBaseDamage > 0):

# speed (initial) = 3 (pistols/shotguns) or 4 (rifles)
# minDamage = ceil(speed * speed * chiliBulletBaseDamage)
# maxDamage = floor(minDamage * 1.5) + 1
# damage = a random integer between minDamage and maxDamage